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Not Your Typical Romance Writer

My name is Michele Pollock Dalton; and, I am an unapologetic romantic.  While most romance writers focus specifically on falling in love, I have chosen to write about people staying in love - living each day in a way that celebrates their relationship and focuses on building a strong, unbreakable bond.​

White chocolate truffles and faith fuel my writing endeavors; and, my sincere hope is that the characters I invent resonate with folks who need a bit of inspiration to face their day.

Booster Club

The avid readers in my Booster Club are on the inside of my writing and publishing adventure; and, they LOVE to read real-life romances.

I am always looking for readers like this to expand my private group of review ninjas. So, if you are passionate about telling others about the books you’ve read and enjoyed, then I encourage you to join my Booster Club.

Rabid readers who review are a vital necessity for any writer; and, I appreciate the glorious group of gals who enjoy being a part of my author-based endeavors.

A Special Note from Michele:

It seems to be a common theme among writers – that lifelong dream of publishing a novel. And it has always been one of those things that I considered doing “one day.” Well, that moment came when an automobile accident turned my whole world inside out.

Relegated to a wheelchair after that catastrophic incident, the balance of my life shifted. There were so many things I couldn’t do anymore; and, it seemed like I had nothing but time on my hands. After eighteen months of twiddling my thumbs and whiling away my days with mundane nonsense, I decided to pull out an old manuscript that had been secreted away for more than twenty years.


Trust me. It was a big pile of yuck! But, the idea stuck with me; and, I finally started writing one day when I was bored out of my ever-loving mind. What began as a project to keep me from going batty ended up as a rough draft of “Out of the Ashes.”

While that seems like a pat, unexciting tale, the story is so much bigger. And maybe one day I will tell you the rest. But for now, take this one thing with you: never give up on your dreams. No matter your circumstances, there is always hope. And my friend, I pray you have it in spades.

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© 2020 Michele Pollock Dalton

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